Fertility and OBGYN Treatments 


Can you relate?

  • You have changed your diet, eliminated toxins, and are taking the supplements that seem to be working for everyone else but you still haven’t gotten pregnant.

  • Your Doctor is asking you to consider donor eggs and has told you there is no hope for using your own.

  • You were told the only way to get rid of your endometriosis is to have surgery.

  • You have been told there is nothing you can do for PCOS and your medication doesn’t seem to be working.

  • You have been having recurrent miscarriages, your labs look normal or any drugs you have taken have not worked.

  • Your thyroid medications don’t seem to do anything, your labs look normal and you even feel worse sometimes.

There is still hope



Infertility & IVF/IUI Support

Our wide range of natural healing modalities can help bring your body back to optimal health. We have helped women that are struggling with infertility caused by endometriosis, polycystic ovarian syndrome, premature ovarian failure, advanced maternal age, thin endometrial lining, irregular menstrual cycles, male factor and recurrent miscarriage. We are respectful of your treatments with your western physician and will not do anything that will interfere or conflict.

PCOS & Endometriosis

Using our natural therapies, we help PCOS patients achieve regular periods, balance hormones that can cause acne or unwanted body hair, and weight gain.

For our Endometriosis patients, we can help with severe menstrual pain, heavy periods, painful ovulation, breast tenderness and the recurrent endometriosis that comes back after a removal surgery.

Autoimmune & Hormone Imbalances

When we lack the internal resources to heal, our bodies can dysfunction and not get back to balance, even with strong western drugs. Western treatments mainly target symptoms, such as having a high TSH or NK cells. It does not target the root of the disease, such as what is causing your TSH or NK cells to rise. Using our natural therapies and by implementing lifestyle changes, we have helped people with recurrent miscarriage, hypothyroid and fibromylagia.